2023 Beeton Santa Claus Parade - Saturday, December 9, 2023, 11am
The Beeton Agricultural Society is proud to host this year’s Santa Claus Parade. Please read the guidelines and register with the online entry form.
Participant Guidelines
All entries:
- Participants are not allowed to throw anything from their float or vehicle along the parade route. If any entry does throw things from the float, Parade Marshalls have the authority to pull the entry from the parade.
- All entries must conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. Marchers must walk behind the entry away from the wheels – not beside the wheels or in front of the truck/tractor.
- All participants must be dressed in parade theme attire.
- No open flames are allowed.
- There will be no stopping during the parade once it is underway. Marchers must be aware that stopping or slowing down to perform along the parade route seriously affects the spacing and consistency of the parade. Once a pace has been set, please keep up the pace with the entry ahead of you.
- Traditional Christmas music to be supplied by any floats having music.
- No alcohol is permitted while driving or riding on a float.
- All entries are staged behind Beeton Foodland and must be there between 9:30 – 10:45 a.m. Participants will be responsible for locating their own parking in neighbouring lots or side streets.
- By agreeing to participate in the parade, you waive your right to privacy and are subject to having your picture taken in the parade.
- Your insurance certificate must name Beeton & District Agriculture Society and the Town of New Tecumseth, or you must supply your insurance policy number for your float.
- The Beeton Agricultural Society reserves the right to limit or exclude entry to the parade if the Parade Participant Guidelines are not met/followed.
- The parade route and marshaling instructions will follow approval of registration.
General Instructions for Float Preparation:
- No entry may contain any representation of Santa or Mrs. Claus. This includes pictures, figurines, statues, etc… Any entry found to include representation of Santa or Mrs. Claus will be required to remove said items or will be denied entry to the parade.
- All entries must be decorated to parade standards.
- All vehicles and floats shall be inspected for SAFETY and DECORATION prior to entry into the marshaling area. If the entry does not meet safety standards, participation in the parade will be denied.
- Each unit must provide its own insurance coverage and agrees, by participating, to hold the Beeton Agricultural Society Parade Committee, Parade Volunteers, free of liability for any accident or injury caused by or involving a unit and its vehicles or people.
- Drivers of any all-terrain vehicles/motorcycles must always wear a helmet during the parade.
- All drivers must possess a valid driver’s licence and be licenced to drive the vehicles they are operating.
- All animals must be parade-broken, and proof of cleanup crew must be provided prior to the parade.
- No entries that promote political protesting will be permitted.
- Most of all, “Safety First”…. And let’s have fun!
Beeton Santa Claus Parade Application 2023
Submit your completed application no later than Friday December 1, 2023.